Introduction to Flow Cytometry Webinar

A beginner's guide to flow cytometry and all you ever need to know about preparing fluorescent conjugated antibodies.

This new webinar brings together a unique combination of content from two speakers with more than 50 years of experience in flow cytometry and antibody labelling. Starting with an outline of the basic principles of flow cytometry, highlighting the underlying simplicity of this powerful technique, the webinar moves on to consider some key applications based upon antibody staining to identify important cellular sub-populations.

The remarkable strength of multi-colour flow cytometry, with ever increasing technical capabilities of new instruments, has not always been followed by the availability of suitable directly conjugated reagents. The advent of Innova Biosciences Lightning-Link® technology has revolutionised reagent availability -- if the reagent you need isn't available in the format you need, you can now prepare your own conjugate in the colour of your choice in less than 3 hours, with a 100% yield from the unconjugated antibody!

The webinar continues by introducing this revolutionary technology, how it can be used, and then considers some further aspects of multi-colour flow cytometry.

The Wall

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